We are a small team of internationally minded educators, architects and designers with experience gained around the world of leading and improving day and boarding schools. Our experience includes school wellbeing, strengthening departments to lead from the middle, adding value to academic programmes through vocational and experiential learning and the design and establishment of boarding facilities that allow day schools to retain senior students if parents are posted away from the host city. The team is coordinated from Leipzig, Germany.

Matthew speaking to parents in Gurgaon, India.

Managing Partner Matthew Raggett has worked in seven countries over the last 25 years. He served as a Headmaster and CEO of The Doon School, Dehradun and Secondary Principal and Head of School in Leipzig. Over the years Matthew has taught at UWCSEA and Pearson UWC, been a member of the HMC and Round Square and sat on the boards of two of India’s finest schools. His primary interest is to help build future ready citizens through developing and empowering present and engaged departments and teams in schools.